Tuesday 21 January 2014

Steamed salmon and vegetables

A simple and delicious meal that is on our menu each week. Wanting to continue this weekly meal I decided to give it a try in the thermomix. Corn on the cob took 20 minutes in the bottom tray of the varoma (Varoma/Speed 3). The salmon pieces were put in the top section of the varoma at 7 minutes remaining (this was probably a bit too long). The other vegetables (asparagus, julienned carrot, zucchini, onion) were added to the corn with 4 minutes to go. Delicious!

Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiGFx5Mk3nlmeGlioRqFjFFUyycZgLLl3jMeaFrr30u3WyD4YYn9XdSmg3etgca2UIHBkCXyyig2R5jPsiO_pGYhcEdsPWi0f3hdyUhtz1zVQzayc9eZroPxsMNeQVlRULxMjG3LvkaP6dd/s1600/DSC_0094-1.jpg
(accessed 21.1.14)

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