Saturday 25 January 2014

Chicken and bacon roll with vegetables

Dad declared that he wanted meat for dinner - this was in the middle of the previous night's meal at a local sushi restaurant. So meat was to be on last night's meal. Husband searched the thermomix websites and cook books until he came up with what he considered a meaty meat dish. 

The Chicken and bacon roll in the TM Meat on the menu cook book fitted that bill. Husband was put in charge of making it. It took longer than the other recipes we have tried because it was fiddly (he had to butterfly the chicken, roll the stuffing into the chicken, and wrap the chicken in bacon). It turned out surprisingly good. The chicken was tender and held it's rolled shape. Next time I would probably make some white wine sauce to accompany the chicken.

I steamed some vegetables and made mashed potato to accompany the meat. 

Dad was happy with his meat meal.

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