Wednesday 29 January 2014

Scones with whipped cream

Tonight was one of those nights. Dinner was prepared (hamburgers), a friend came over for a chat, then ended up at the vet with a howling cat. Cat is having a sleepover at the vet's prior to an operation tomorrow morning. Then I realised I had to make something for morning tea for the volunteers that help out at my work site every Thursday.

I found a scone recipe on the TM recipe community website. Decanted some of the Costco organic strawberry jam into a smaller container (seriously...I am not carrying 1kg of jam to work), and whipped some cream using the instructions in the Everyday Cookbook.

It took less than 20 minutes to make and cook the scones, decant the jam, and whip the cream.

Source: (accessed 29.1.14)

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