Sunday 6 July 2014

Cumquat jam/marmalade

As I have said before, we have a mini orchard in our small suburban backyard. It's that time of the year when the citrus trees are going crazy producing an abundance of fruit. We have two cumquat trees that were here when we bought the place that we typically get 3-4kg of fruit a year from. It always seemed a shame to throw the fruit out as neither husband or I like it. Years ago I found a cumquat jam recipe that both our Dad's like. However, it is a laborious full day job & we don't get to take full advantage of the fruit as some will be rotten by the time we make the jam. While perusing the Thermomix recipe community I came upon this cumquat marmalade recipe. It's quick & easy which means we can make small batches as the fruit ripens on the tree. If I want a sweeter jam-type taste I just add a bit more sugar. What an amazing recipe find!

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