Friday 25 July 2014

Banana and date loaf/cake

Work has been busy. It's hard to believe it's only been 2 weeks since I went back after a holiday. Today is Saturday and I am taking time out this morning for myself. Which seems to have included a bath and baking. I rarely bake. So I seized the moment of inspiration. Husband had bought 5 incredibly under ripe bananas a couple of weeks ago hoping they would ripen. In the meantime I bought some more bananas that we could actually eat. Now we have a surplus. I found this delicious banana and date cake/loaf that also happens to be sugar free. I added a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg to the batter too. I recently discovered dates as a sweetener. This cake was moist and fluffy with a real banana taste. I added an extra banana in the mix and cut a banana in half and made 'railway tracks' down the loaf (it's not like the days of banana shortages following Cyclone Larry). Yummo! Next time I might add some walnuts. Now to make a cup of tea, get my book & find a quiet spot for 20 minutes.

Source: (accessed 26.7.14)

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