Tuesday 8 April 2014

Hot cross buns

With Easter fast approaching I thought I would try making hot cross buns. I used the recipe from the Everyday cookbook minus the lemon/lime zest and sultanas (we didn't have any and I wasn't going to the shops). The dough was quick and easy to make. The buns turned out delicious - light and fluffy with a hint of spice.
Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgBNOgYqyOmJZf8hmv_wT34eFeBbAVr4rXqTqs9gmAJeuWNy1xo4pk5QWy36MGxk0HxsIMGrLPXDUlGuYfjD2126zxOsX20_cWvrM8sDqdc2bYCbIkcMdNzFNDIomcOIiXrWeQRYQKaauU/s1600/easter+026.JPG (accessed 9.4.14)

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