Tuesday 10 December 2013

First steps....

First steps 

First steps are always the hardest. 

Since loosing my Mum to cancer and my niece diagnosed as Coeliac I have become more aware of the environment around us, the food we eat & the products we use.

I downloaded the 'Chemical Maze' app to identify what did not have gluten in it so my niece could eat the same as everyone else when she was having a meal at our home. One word summed up what I found in the products - scary. I now stick to the outer rim of the supermarket (away from the processed aisles) and buy organic when I can. For a few years we did 'without' the fancy sauces, soup was something I made in bulk & froze, etc etc etc.

Then a friend introduced me to the Thermomix. I was in awe at the demonstration. One little (and yes, very expensive) machine does so much. The food was delicious, and so easy to prepare. The price freaked me out. I could buy a cheap car for that price! My husband and I researched some more and eventually decided to take the plunge and purchase one. We both cook. We both work full time, are primary carers for my Dad, and have two cats and a dog. Our days are filled with work, family and friends. Eating healthy is our priority but it can't be all consuming of our day. There are too many other wonderful things to be doing.

This is our Thermomix story...
http://prestashop.hrnet.netdna-cdn.com/30-174/cartoon-sticker-for-thermomix-tm31.jpg Accessed 11 Dec 2013

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