Tuesday 22 April 2014

Heavenly chocolate cake (gluten free)

I was told to bring dessert to Easter celebrations. I went through the I love chocolate I love thermomix book and found the Gluten free Heavenly chocolate cake recipe. At first glance it looked terrifying but was surprisingly easily, looked spectacular and tasted divine. Everyone had seconds!

Friday 11 April 2014


With the autumn equinox passed the mornings are cooler so I have started investigating warmer breakfasts. The smoothies have been great. Quick, simple and filling. This morning I ventured into the land of porridge using the Everyday cookbook as a base for the recipe. Haven't had it since I wasa kid. Mum used to make yummy porridge. This is good. Filling, hearty, healthy. 

Porridge serving for 1:

40g rolled oats
1t Chia seeds
110g milk (I use full cream lactose free)
Berries to serve with

  1. Combine all ingredients in mixing bowl
  2. Cook 90 degrees/8 minutes/speed 2
  3. Serve with berries on top

Thursday 10 April 2014

Ginger beer

Husband is quite the fan of ginger beer. Browsing through the TM Everyday cookbook I found a recipe for it. This afternoon I made it - ginger, brown sugar, lemon and water. A bit less sugar than recommended and it was delicious with the refreshing ginger tang.

Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiq1kqNkmhMmBHKNC1jKGy4Gk0pPXeqv5nvYfojCF1WKwZXv5vKNOCGkvGTbMq4MRsSQNXvRUgkJoqSq_aInaa1bSCWJd98sBjY1XBoR1EO_Aqkw69OJYnmmBTPaw5c1uM0v6rVdtldzfLM/s1600/ginger+beer.jpg (accessed 10.4.14)

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Spaghetti bolognese

Spag bol has always been one of my 'go to' meals - quick, easy, make extra and freeze for speedy meals at a later date. The only thing that took the time was chopping up all the vegetables. Tonight I chopped up a carrot, zucchini, mushrooms, capsicum, beans, onion, and garlic in 5 seconds. Filled the mixing bowl with chopped up vegetables! Too easy. I am a bit of a fan of the slow cooked spag bol on the stove top - stirring it occasionally, developing the flavour, adding red kidney beans or maybe lentils to the beef mince mixture. So I did it that way, using the last of the tomato sauce made earlier in the thermomix. Next time I might try making it all in the thermomix.
Source: http://www.your-recipes-online.com/images/Spaghe46.jpg (accessed 9.4.14)

Hot cross buns

With Easter fast approaching I thought I would try making hot cross buns. I used the recipe from the Everyday cookbook minus the lemon/lime zest and sultanas (we didn't have any and I wasn't going to the shops). The dough was quick and easy to make. The buns turned out delicious - light and fluffy with a hint of spice.
Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgBNOgYqyOmJZf8hmv_wT34eFeBbAVr4rXqTqs9gmAJeuWNy1xo4pk5QWy36MGxk0HxsIMGrLPXDUlGuYfjD2126zxOsX20_cWvrM8sDqdc2bYCbIkcMdNzFNDIomcOIiXrWeQRYQKaauU/s1600/easter+026.JPG (accessed 9.4.14)