Saturday 24 May 2014

Raspberry cordial

Coridal is one of those drinks for summer, memories of fun in the sun, beaches, picnics, laughter with my mum, dad and sister. It's always been the processed bottles in the supermarket until a recent trip to the town my parents grew up in. The regional food markets were in town the weekend we were there. Juicy fresh fruit, crisp seasonal vegetables, still warm bread from the ovens, and a little store selling home made cordial. O my goodness. Delicious. Intriguing flavours of lemon myrtle and ginger, elderflower and raspberry. For my first foray into cordial making I went simple - raspberry using this unambiguous recipe. So much depth of flavour. I may end up freezing some in ice cubes as it made quite a bit. Let's see if I can source fancy flavourings for my next cordial making adventure (once we get through this lot).

Saturday 3 May 2014

Fish cakes

One of my uni flatmate's used to make the nicest fish cakes. I never knew the recipe so decided to make one up and hope for the best. Homemade fish cakes are awesome. These were delicious.

500g fish (I used salmon but any firm fish would work)
1 slice bread (your choice which variety)
Zest of 1 lemon or lime if you have it
Small handful of parsley
1 egg
1 onion
1t dijon mustard
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 large potato chopped into pieces
1/2 sweet potato chopped into large pieces
1/3 cup olive oil


  1. Fill TM bowl with water (about half the bowl). Add potato and sweet potato. Cook Varoma/reverse/speed 1/20 minutes.
  2. At same time add the fish to the TM steamer and steam fish while potatoes cooking.
  3. Once potato's cook, drain by emptying TM bowl into colander
  4. Grind bread, parsley and lemon zest Speed 9/4 seconds
  5. Add egg, onion, dijon mustard and cayenne pepper into TM bowl. Chop Speed 5/3 seconds
  6. Add fish, potato and sweet potato to TM bowl. Mix Speed 3/3 seconds
  7. Form mixture into patties
  8. Add olive oil to fry pan. Heat gently
  9. Add fish patties to frying pan and saute until golden brown
  10. Serve with favourite sauce and steamed vegetables or salad
Source:  (accessed 4.5.14)


The winter chill has hit and I have been wanting pancakes for a month now. A quiet Sunday morning provided time to make and enjoy these delicious and fluffy pancakes.

Adapted from
10g butter
140g self raising flour
1/4t bicarb soda
1/4t vanilla essence
150g milk
1 egg

  1. Melt butter in mixing bowl 40secs/50C/speed 4
  2. Add all remaining ingredients, mix 30 secs/speed 5 until smooth consistency
  3. Heat frypan and add one tablespoon of mixture per pancake. Flip when bubbles appear. Remove from heat and serve (we had them with pure maple syrup). Smaller spoonfuls would make pickelets. 

Source:  (accessed 4.5.14)